American conservatism—the so-called “culture of life”—worships annihilation. Published on Friday, April 17, 2020 byCommon Dreams Link to article A decade ago, in my first public writing since leaving Capitol Hill, I warned that the Republican Party, in its evolution towards an extremist conservative movement allied with extremist Christian fundamentalism, was becoming like “one of the intensely…
How a Yale Academic Trolls the Liberals on Trump’s Looming Reelection
Walter Russell Mead writes Trump campaign propaganda disguised as analysis. Published on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 by Common Dreams (link to article) A recent piece in The Wall Street Journal by Walter Russell Meade has caused a bit of a stir among the chattering classes. Headlined “The Coronavirus May Make Trump Stronger,” it argues that President Trump’s abysmal and…
Are Mass Plane Travel and Mass Tourism Unsustainable?
The coronavirus pandemic is just a symptom of systemic problems the industries cannot resolve. Published by commondreams March 26, 2020 ( link to article) “Ah, for the days when flying was a gentleman’s pursuit! – before every Joe Sweatsock could wedge himself behind a lunch tray and ‘jet off’ to Raleigh-Durham.” —Robert (“Sideshow Bob”) Terwillinger,…
How Authoritarianism Short-Circuits the Lizard Brain
The GOP’s slavish groveling overrides – for once – its basic instinct for fear and panic. Published in CommonDreams March 14, 2020 ( link to article) The tendency of Republicans both to respond to and sow fear and panic has been with us for decades. Yet during the coronavirus pandemic, to anyone who bothers to…
The Stupidest Op-Ed of 2019 Argues Trump Will Inspire a Religious Revival
Newsweek just published a piece that set a record for preposterous ideas, confidently but incoherently argued. Published in Common Dreams (link to article) For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. —Matthew 24:24 Just when you thought the soon-to-expire year had…
Protocols of the Elders of the Republican Party
Lunatic conspiracy theories are the heart and soul of today’s GOP. Published in Common Dreams (link to article) How do the horrific events of Charlottesville, the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and a similar hate crime in California directly relate to the eye-rolling pronouncements by Devin Nunes, Rudy Giuliani, and other Republicans in…
The real ‘deep state’ is about corporate power, not entrenched bureaucrats
This right-wing catchphrase supposedly describes rebellious government workers. But moneyed influencers are the real “deep state.” Publish in the Washington Post November 15, 2019 ( link to article) With impeachment hearings underway, conservatives’ favorite catchphrase, the “deep state,” has gotten a thorough airing. Stephen Miller, the White House’s hard-line immigration adviser, called the Ukraine whistleblower a…