TV Appearances The Heat is up. Is there a deep state or shadow government Feb. 27, 2017 on CGTN America The Ebola threat: Wednesday, Oct 29, 2014. A News4 I-Team review The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight, Feb 21, 2012 Will the GOP ever quit Ted Nugent? All in with Chris Hayes Feb. 18, 2014 All In | With Chris Hayes Aired on October 1, 2013 on MSNBC Bill Moyers Interviews Mike on PBS aug 31, 2012 viewpoint-with-eliot-spitzer-aired-august-24-2012/ The Cycle Krystal Ball August 16, 2012 on MSNBC Politics and Prose Bookstore, C-Span August 8, 2012 Young Turk Aired January 2012 on Current TV Hardball with Chris Matthews, Sept. 8 2011