So much for the precise correlation between economic factors and political preference based on rational choosing to maximize one’s own material advantage Published July 13 in ( link to article) Ever since the 2016 election we all know that economic distress and anxiety out in the Great American Heartland caused white working people to vote…
Must They Have So Little Dignity?
Published in Reince Priebus’ fall is a sad metaphor for Trump’s America. Must They Have So Little Dignity? Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon is considered one of the great political novels of the last century, but it is also very puzzling. Why does Rubashov, the loyal old Bolshevik, confess to capital crimes he did not commit?…
How the Chattering Class Bully-Worships Trump
Published in Moyers & Company (link to article) ‘I, for One, Welcome Our New Insect Overlords!’ How the Chattering Class Bully-Worships Trump Claiming the media doesn’t “get” Trump is just another sorry excuse for his dangerous disregard of truth and democracy. Newsman Kent Brockman welcomes his new insect overlords in the “Deep Space Homer” episode…